CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme 2025:|8800 msg complete method

The Punjab Solar Panel 2025 scheme offers free solar systems to 50,000 homes. Households using up to 100 units of electricity per month are eligible for the free solar system. The Punjab Government will pay all costs for the solar system and its installation . This project will cost 10 Billion Rupees .
Houses that have been involved in electricity theft or tampering with meters won’t qualify for this program.
Punjab Govt Announce Solar Panel Distribution Date is 14 feb 2025.

Get more info about CM Punjab solar scheme:

Main purpose of this Scheme:

The main purpose of the scheme is to help people of Punjab that cannot pay high electricity bills. People of Punjab depressed due to high electricity bills. The main purpose of the scheme is to decrease the cost of electricity in Punjab or make the Punjab clean and green. Another reason of Punjab solar panel scheme is to promote the use of renewable energy source.

Documents that are required

Documents that required for Punjab solar panel scheme are:

  • Scan copy of your national identity card (CNIC)
  • Copies of your recent electricity bills
  • If you have any land then you have to record this by your copy paper
  • And you have to you have to get permission from your property owner and the people that are living at your home are willing to install solar panels
  • 1000 cash is also required

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You are the resident of Punjab province
  • You consume 200 of electricity units per month
  • You don’t get loan from any bank
  • You are not considered in any of FIR and some other critical criminal activity.

Apply process for Punjab solar scheme:

If you are eligible for the scheme and you have all documents that are discussed in the blog then you can apply for Punjab solar panel scheme firstly you visit the website of Punjab bank or visit a nearest Punjab bank.

Create an account on the website of Punjab bank and then login into Punjab solar scheme form. Fill the documents that are required in which your name your personal information your mobile number and the unit that you consumed in a month.

Fill the form completely and not make any mistake and after filling your form completely then you have to submit it or if you visit Punjab bank that are that is nearest to you then you can get information from any of employ of Punjab bank and then fill the form.

Then you have to submit it before submission you have to show that you do not make any mistake in during filling the form after submission there is a review process that takes and time. So please be patience and ready to get approval from Punjab solar bank or Punjab authorities that that can give you free solar panels. If you are eligible for this once your application is approved then if you can get a message from Punjab bank or Punjab authorities.

When the solar panel distribution date announced and then installation will be done at your home after distribution of solar panels.

Apply by Msg 8800:

You can also apply by your own by sending message to 8800.
Simply you send your CNS number to 8800 and then if you are eligible people for the scheme you get approval from 8800 message.
CM Punjab Maryam Nawaz announce that the Punjab solar panel distribution will done.

Also Read: Punjab solar scheme

Key features of Punjab solar scheme:

  1. Two solar panels will given to you
  2. one inverter that consist of pure battery wiring
  3. Punjab authorities will give you solar panel at your home never have to go any site or any other authorities to get your Punjab solar panel
    People that are eligible have to pay 5% of installment to Punjab bank
    Other 75 of your installment will paid by government

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